8U - Tom Woznick: wozwis@me.com
10U - Jason Call: jcall252@gmail.com
10U - Basil Loeb: Loeb@lawintosa.com
12U - Brad Ferron: baferron@gmail.com
12U - Wes Thompson: westhompson23@yahoo.com
14U - Kristin Stanek: klstanek3@gmail.com
18U - Brian Palicka: bpalicka96@hotmail.com
Organization/General Questions: fallsangels2009@gmail.com
"After a couple months of Maddie not feeling quite right we have some answers. She has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Chemotherapy start tomorrow and per her she is ready to “kick cancer’s ass cuz she’s the boss”. Please send prayers and positive vibes her way and she starts this long journey." ~ The Beilfuss Family 5/19/23
Falls Angels 8U Assistant Coach and Brewers employee, Bill Junker, presenting Milwaukee Brewers' employees' sponsorship money to Falls Angels 8U Head Coach, Basil Loeb
14U Palicka - 1st place out of 121 teams
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The Falls Angels girls fast-pitch club emphasizes fundamentals in order to develop high level skills, build character and create leaders.
We promote teamwork and sportsmanship through dedicated coaches, active parents and a committed governing organization.